لاحظ من فضلك أن هذا الموقع يستخدم نظام إمكانية الوصول لتسهيل الوصول. اضغط على مفاتيح Control-F10 لمشاهدة قائمة تسهيل الوصول.

O-Hock Sleeve Anchor






O-Hook Sleeve Anchor is a heavy-duty anchor bolt are used to anchor into solid masonry materials including concrete, brick and blocks. The anchor is inserted into a pre-drilled hole and when the head is turned, the end of the anchor is pulled to expand and secure itself. It is suitable for mounting canopy, water heater installation, air conditioning fixation and home decoration.

Product Information:

No. Size (inch) Size (mm)
32-81572 1/4 6
32-81573 5/16 8
32-81574 3/8 10