Ceremony honoring the sons of engineers who succeeded in the high school exam sponsored by Royal Company
With exclusive sponsorship of Royal Company and in cooperation with the Engineers Syndicate, Hebron Branch Committee and the Engineers Club, a ceremony was held to honor the sons of engineers who succeeded in the high school exam (Tawjihi 2021). And that took place at the Palestinian Child House headquarters and in the presence of eighty sons of engineers, and in the presence of Engineer Imad Rajoub, Plant manager of royal company, and in the presence of the president and some members of the Syndicate Council, M. Nadia Habash and M. Munther Barghouti and m. Ezz Abu Gharbia and m. Yazan Jabr, Chairman and members of the Hebron Branch Committee, the Engineers Club, the Chairman of the Engineering Offices and Companies Authority, and the General Manager of the Engineers Syndicate.
Imad Rajoub, representative of Royal Company, stressed the depth of the relationship with the Syndicate of Engineers and that they are ready to continue to support the Syndicate's activities and wished success for the graduates.
In the speech of the Captain of Engineers Eng. Nadia Habash she said that the Syndicate Council is working on developing a plan to advance engineering work in all parts of the country.
At the end of the ceremony, the successful high school graduates were honored by the Engineers Syndicate and Royal Industrial Trading Co., in appreciation of their efforts.